Social Media Services

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Social Media Management for Garage Door & Gate Companies

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Social media diagram drawn on paper sheet

Social Media Management With Proven Solutions

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Familiarize Yourself With Your Ideal Audience

The initial step to ensure a successful social media marketing campaign is familiarizing yourself with your ideal customer. You need to know their specific wants and needs so you’ll be able to provide them.

Select the Right Social Channels

The next step is to select the right social channels. Choose those channels where you’ll be able to share your brand’s message most effectively. It should also be where you’ll get the most engagement with your audience.

Share Relevant Content

You need to make sure that you share relevant content. Relevant content is what you need to share and it needs to educate, engage, and promote. By sharing this type of quality content, you’ll be able to build trust with your customers.

Paid Solutions

One of the best ways to reach your ideal customers is by using social media ads. It will be done through the use of strategic segmentation.

What Social Media Marketing Can Do For Your Business

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You want to be able to achieve success as a garage door and gate contractor and having an active social media presence is one way of ensuring that. But merely having a presence on social media isn’t enough. What you need is the right social media strategy that will maximize your presence in various channels and guarantee that you reach the widest amount of audience possible.

If you plan on making your brand a household name or at least well-known in your area, then social media is the best and fastest way for you to do that. The way to do it is to put plenty of focus on the main social media channels to help push you towards the top. But just as important is making sure that you put the right content and information into those channels to attract potential customers and establish trust later on.

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The Ultimate Internet Marketing Checklist For Door & Gate Contractors

For Garagedoor & Gate Contractors

A step by step guide to creating profitable & predictable growth for your Garage door & Gate business.

How We Manage Your Social Media Marketing

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We use a specific process for your social media marketing strategy:

Create Content Calendars

Create monthly content calendars where you’ll be able to plan and create branded content. The various types of content are custom-tailored to your specific type of business and local service area.

Schedule Posts

Schedule posts that contain relevant and customized content. The posts should be scheduled on your social media channels about three times a week.

Create & Develop Strategy

We create and develop the proper strategy by performing competitor research and learning key information. This will help you reach all of the goals that you have set out to accomplish.

Drive Engagement

Drive up the engagement through personalized photos as well as video content. It's two of the best ways to get the attention of customers and from there they’ll become more engaged.

Monthly Tracking & Reporting

Reporting needs to be provided on a regular basis. Tracking and reporting should be done about once a month so you’ll learn more about your audience. At the same time, engagement, reach, click-through rates, and leads would all be improved.

Paid Social Campaigns Management

It’s been proven that you can help grow your business through an effective social media advertising strategy. To guarantee that, we’re going to create custom audiences, split-tested ad copy, and also provide in-depth reporting.

Why Choose Us At Door & Gate Domination?

We’ve Helped Numerous Garage Door Companies by Generating Countless Leads and Increasing Sales

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Enjoy the exclusivity of choosing to work with us. We assure you that when we become your partners, we’re not going to sign any of your competitors. You are our client and therefore our services and expertise are exclusive only to you.



We also got call tracking and reporting covered for you. Using the latest in call tracking technology, we’ll target the right keywords. And at the same time, we’ll make sure of the lowest cost per lead for you.



You never have to worry about transparency when you work with us at Door & Gate Domination. There would be no guessing game about how your advertising and marketing dollars are being spent and where it’s going.



Our attention will be solely focused on you and how to help your company’s growth and development. We’ll serve as your ally, partner, and boost you in every aspect and in every step of the way towards success. On top of that, you’ll gain access to our SEO experts, PPC specialists, copywriters, and web developers.



We’ll be Google partners! You’ll find that advertising on Google is the simplest thing ever with help from our PPC specialists. You’re assured of getting your money’s worth and much, much, more!



Our methods are tested and proven. Each aspect of our strategy will help boost your online presence that will lead to sales and profits. It’s a comprehensive and methodical approach to ensuring your dominance of your local search area and eventually your industry.



The track record that we have speaks for itself as we have managed to not just double, but even triple or quadruple the sales of our clients. When we work with a garage door company, their level of success improves by several notches.



We’re industry experts and we know how to make garage door and gate companies successful. That’s what we’re great at and also why we’ll never make any claim about being experts in other industries. We’re focused on you and your industry.


Garage Door Grease: The Essential Guide to Maintenance and Replacement

Garage Door Grease

Keeping your garage door in top shape is crucial, and using the right “Garage Door Grease” is key. This small step is huge for your door’s smooth operation and long life, protecting it from daily wear and tear. Yet, many skip this maintenance, leading to quicker wear, costly repairs, or even complete breakdowns.

Neglecting to grease your garage door can cause minor annoyances like a noisy door or damage and potential injury. Proper lubrication is simple but makes a big difference, helping your door work well for years instead of causing headaches and costs.

garage door grease

This guide makes it easy to understand when and how to apply grease, offering practical advice for both experienced DIYers and beginners. By following these tips, you can keep your garage door working smoothly, maintaining your home’s functionality and appearance. Let’s start learning how to care for your garage door properly.

Why Garage Door Grease is Vital

garage door grease

When it comes to maintaining your garage door, one of the most crucial but often overlooked tasks is the application of garage door grease. This simple act can profoundly affect the functionality and longevity of your garage door, ensuring it operates smoothly and quietly day in and day out. Let’s explore how garage doors work, why grease is important, the different kinds of grease for various uses, and the benefits of greasing regularly.

Understanding the Mechanics of Garage Doors

garage door grease

Garage doors are complex systems involving a multitude of moving parts. Each component is critical in the door’s operation, from rollers and tracks to hinges and springs. As these parts move, they create friction—a natural adversary to mechanical efficiency and longevity. Excessive friction impedes the smooth operation of your door and accelerates wear and tear on these components, potentially leading to costly repairs or replacements.

The Role of Grease: Reducing Friction and Wear

This is where garage door grease comes into play. Grease acts as a lubricant, forming a protective barrier between moving parts. It minimizes direct metal-on-metal contact, thereby reducing friction and the resultant wear. By maintaining a well-greased door, you’re essentially ensuring that the components work together seamlessly without unnecessary strain.

Types of Garage Door Grease and Specific Applications

When selecting a garage door grease, choosing one suited to your garage door’s specific needs is crucial. The most common types include:

  • Lithium-Based Grease: Ideal for metal parts, lithium-based greases are known for their high viscosity and ability to withstand a wide range of temperatures. They’re perfect for lubricating tracks, rollers, and hinges, providing a durable layer of lubrication that doesn’t harden or drip away easily.
  • Silicone-Based Grease: Silicone greases are excellent for weatherproofing and lubricating non-metal parts, such as plastic rollers or nylon bearings. They offer great protection against moisture and are resistant to washing out under heavy rain or snow.
  • White Lithium Grease: A subset of lithium grease, white lithium grease is thicker and often used for heavier applications where maximum lubrication and protection are needed, such as on overhead garage door springs.

The Benefits of Regular Garage Door Greasing

garage door grease

The advantages of regularly applying the appropriate grease to your garage door are manifold:

  • Noise Reduction: One of the most immediate benefits you’ll notice is a significant reduction in operational noise. A well-lubricated door operates much more quietly, eliminating those jarring squeaks and groans that can be so bothersome.
  • Smoother Operation: Grease facilitates smoother, more efficient door operation. This makes your garage door more pleasant to use and reduces the strain on your door opener, potentially extending its lifespan.
  • Extended Lifespan of Parts: By reducing friction and wear, grease directly contributes to the longevity of your garage door’s components. This means fewer repairs, less maintenance, and more years of reliable service from your garage door.

The importance of garage door grease cannot be overstated. It’s a simple, cost-effective solution to many common garage door issues, ensuring your door operates smoothly, quietly, and reliably. Regular application of the right type of grease is a small investment that pays dividends in the performance and durability of your garage door, making it an essential part of your home maintenance routine.

Signs Your Garage Door Needs New Grease

Identifying the right moment to refresh the grease in your garage door mechanisms can ensure its smooth and enduring operation. Here’s how to tell when it’s time for a grease change and why keeping up with regular inspections is crucial

Unusual Noises: A well-lubricated garage door should operate relatively quietly. If you start to notice creaks, squeaks, or grinding sounds as it opens or closes, it’s a clear signal that the existing lubricant has degraded or is no longer sufficient. These noises are not just annoying; they’re your garage door’s way of crying out for attention.

Slower Operation: A garage door that moves slower than usual can indicate that the parts aren’t moving as smoothly against each other as they should. This lack of smoothness is often due to old, thickened, or dried-out grease. Fresh lubrication can restore operation speed by reducing friction among the moving parts.

Increased Resistance: If manually opening and closing the garage door feels harder than it used to, it’s likely because the grease that facilitates easy movement has become ineffective. Increased resistance can strain your door’s opener and other mechanical components, leading to premature wear or failure.

The Importance of Regular Inspections

Catching these issues early through regular inspections can save you time and money in the long run. An inspection involves checking the lubrication, the springs’ tension, the rollers’ condition, and the tracks’ alignment. During these checks, if the grease is dirty, insufficient, or dried out, a thorough cleaning and re-application of a suitable lubricant can be performed.

garage door grease

Regular inspections and maintenance ensure that minor issues can be addressed before they escalate into more significant, costlier problems. They also provide an opportunity to improve the longevity and reliability of your garage door, ensuring it remains a convenient, safe, and efficient part of your home.

By paying attention to the signs and committing to regular upkeep, you can keep your garage door operating smoothly for years to come, avoiding the inconvenience and expense of unexpected repairs. Remember, a little maintenance goes a long way in preserving the health and functionality of your garage door.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Garage Door Grease

Maintaining your garage door ensures its longevity and smooth operation. One of the key maintenance tasks is applying grease to its moving parts. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps, from gathering tools to the application process, ensuring your garage door remains in top condition.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you start, gather the following tools and materials to ensure a smooth and efficient greasing process:

  • Garage Door Grease: Select a lubricant specifically designed for garage doors. These are typically lithium-based greases that resist dust and dirt.
  • Cloths or Rags: For cleaning and wiping off excess grease.
  • Mild Cleaning Solution: A simple water and dish soap mix will do.
  • Stiff Brush: To remove dirt and debris from the tracks and parts.
  • Gloves: To protect your hands during the cleaning and greasing process.
  • Safety Glasses: To protect your eyes from debris and accidental splashes.
  • Step Ladder: To safely reach the garage door system’s upper parts.

Preparation Steps

  • Clean the Garage Door Parts: Before applying new grease, clean off the old grease, dirt, and debris from the tracks, rollers, hinges, and springs using the stiff brush. For tougher grime, use the cloth dampened with the mild cleaning solution. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the door parts.
  • Dry Thoroughly: Ensure all parts are completely dry before applying new grease. This prevents the trapping of moisture, which can lead to rust and corrosion.
  • Safety Check: Before proceeding, ensure your garage door is disconnected from the power source to avoid accidental operation while working.

Detailed Instructions on Applying the Grease

Tracks: Do not apply grease directly to the tracks, as this can attract dust and debris, causing the door to stick. Instead, clean the tracks as described and apply a small amount of grease on a rag to lightly wipe the inside of each track. This minimizes friction without causing buildup.

Rollers: Apply a small amount of grease to the rollers, especially focusing on the bearings. If your door has nylon rollers that don’t contain bearings, avoid greasing them as grease can cause them to deteriorate faster.

Hinges: Apply a modest amount of grease to the hinge pivot points. Do not over-grease, as excess can attract dust. Wipe away any excess grease with a rag.

Springs: Your garage door’s springs are under a lot of tension, so be cautious. Apply a light layer of grease across the top of the springs, ensuring even coverage for smooth operation. Avoid touching the springs directly if you are unfamiliar with their tensioning mechanism.

Regular garage door maintenance, including proper greasing, can significantly extend its life and improve its operation. Following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your garage door remains in optimal condition. Always prioritize safety by wearing protective gear and ensuring the door is disconnected from power during maintenance. With the right tools, materials, and time, you can keep your garage door running smoothly for years.

Maintenance Schedule for Your Garage Door

Ensuring your garage door operates smoothly and efficiently requires regular maintenance, including proper greasing and seasonal check-ups. By adhering to a consistent maintenance schedule, you can extend the life of your garage door and avoid unexpected malfunctions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you keep your garage door in top-notch condition throughout the year.

Recommended Frequency for Greasing Your Garage Door

Bi-Annual Greasing: Aim to grease your garage door’s moving parts at least twice a year. The best times to do this are during the fall and spring. These periods, right before the more extreme weather conditions of winter and summer ensure that your door operates smoothly when you need it most. Lubricating the moving parts, including the rollers, tracks, hinges, and springs, can prevent rusting and ensure quiet, smooth operation.

Seasonal Maintenance Tips


  • Check Balance: Test the balance of your garage door by disconnecting the opener and lifting the door manually. It should lift smoothly and stay open on its own about halfway up. It may be off balance and require professional attention if it doesn’t.
  • Inspect Hardware: Look over the hardware, including bolts and screws, to ensure nothing has loosened during the winter months.


  • Clean and Paint: Summer is a great time to clean your garage door and apply a fresh coat of paint if needed. This keeps it looking good and adds a layer of protection against the elements.
  • Inspect Weather Seals: Check the weather seals around the garage door to ensure they are not cracked or worn. Replace them if necessary to keep out dust, rain, and pests.


  • Lubricate Moving Parts: As mentioned, lubricating the moving parts in the fall prepares your door for the colder months ahead when mechanisms can become stiff.
  • Clear Tracks: Make sure the tracks on either side of the door are debris-free. Leaves and dirt can accumulate and hinder smooth operation.


  • Check Insulation: Ensure your garage door’s insulation is intact, especially if you have a heated garage. This can help you save on energy costs.
  • Battery Check: Winter is a good time to check the batteries in your garage door opener and remote controls.

Taking care of your garage door is key to keeping it working well and lasting long. Make sure to grease it as often as suggested and follow the seasonal upkeep advice given. Doing this will keep your garage door in top shape all year. Regular checks and maintenance keep it running smoothly and avoid expensive fixes down the line. 

FAQs on Garage Door Maintenance

What type of grease should I use for my garage door?

Use lithium-based or silicone-based grease for your garage door. These don’t get hard in the cold and keep dirt away better than other types. Don’t use heavy, oil-based ones as they attract dust and dirt.

How often should I apply grease to my garage door?

You should grease it at least once a year. If your door is used often or you live in a place with extreme weather, you might need to do it more often. A noisy door could mean it’s time for maintenance.

Can I use WD-40 as garage door grease?

WD-40 isn’t a lubricant for garage doors. It’s good for cleaning and fighting rust, but always follow it up with a proper garage door lubricant for smooth operation.

What parts of the garage door should be greased?

Grease the parts that move – like rollers, hinges, springs, and the chain or screw of the opener. Don’t grease the tracks; clean them and maybe lightly lubricate if needed.

What should I do if my garage door still makes noise after greasing?

If greasing doesn’t stop the noise, check for loose parts and tighten them. Persistent noise might mean worn-out parts or a bigger issue, so you might want to call a professional.


By understanding the critical role that “Garage Door Grease” plays in the maintenance of your garage door, you can take proactive steps to ensure its optimal function and durability. This guide aims to arm you with the knowledge and skills needed to care for your garage door properly, ensuring it serves you well for years. Don’t overlook the importance of this simple yet crucial maintenance task. Read on to ensure your garage door continues to operate smoothly and efficiently.

End Note

In the world of home improvement and garage doors, it’s important to stand out. Being visible online is crucial whether you’re making garage doors, fixing them, or sharing your DIY projects. Door Domination is the best at making garage door businesses stand out online.

For those who’ve been tirelessly searching for a way to break through the noise, increase leads, and genuinely grow your business, the team at Door Domination is more than SEO experts; they’re your next strategic partners in success. They’re a committed partner ready to make your garage door brand the top pick for customers everywhere.

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